Your Kodiak steel garage or shop components are custom manufactured to meet your project & location requirements, then delivered directly to your door/build site – ready for assembly.
Can be customized easily for:
We make getting your new garage or shop up simple.
In addition to industry leading engineering, Kodiak buildings come with a number of benefits:
- SIZINGStarts at 15' x 20' x 10'
- MATERIALRigid Steel (I-Beam)
- INCLUDEDFrame, Panels, Fasteners
- BAY SPACINGAdjustable
- FRAME TYPENon Expandable, Expandable
- COLUMNSStraight, Tapered
- ROOF PANEL (26G)PBR, Ultra-Dek, Double-Lok
- INSULATION OPTIONSBlanket, R10, R13, R19+